Ghi chú Imhotep

  1. The Egyptian Building Mania, Acta Divrna, Vol. III, Issue IV, January, 2004.
  2. “What is Civil Engineering: Imhotep”
  3. William Osler, The Evolution of Modern Medicine, Kessinger Publishing 2004, p.12
  4. Barry J. Kemp, Ancient Egypt Routledge 2005, p.159
  5. The Harper's Lay, ca. 2000 BCE
  6. Jaromir Malek 'The Old Kingdom' in The Oxford History of Ancient Egypt by Ian Shaw (ed.) Oxford University Press paperback 2002. p.92
  7. J. Kahl "Old Kingdom: Third Dynasty" in The Oxford Encyclopedia of Ancient Egypt by Donald Redford (ed.) Vol.2, p. 592
  8. Shaw, op. cit., pp.92-93
  9. Barry J. Kemp, Ancient Egypt, Routledge 2005, p.159
  10. Mostafa Shehata, MD (2004), "The Father of Medicine: A Historical Reconsideration", J Med Ethics 12, p. 171-176 [176].
  11. How Imhotep gave us medicine, The Daily Telegraph, 10/05/2007.
  12. Jimmy Dunn, Imhotep, Doctor, Architect, High Priest, Scribe and Vizier to King Djoser.
  13. Leonard Francis Peltier, Fractures: A History and Iconography of Their Treatment, Norman Publishing 1990, p.16
  14. Marina Warner, Felipe Fernández-Armesto, World of Myths, University of Texas Press 2003, ISBN 0-292-70204-3, p.296
  15. Miriam Lichtheim, Ancient Egyptian Literature: A Book of Readings, University of California Press 1980, ISBN 0-520-04020-1, p.106
  16. M. Lichtheim, Ancient Egyptian Literature, The University of California Press 1980, vol.3, p.104
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